
Everything You Need to Know About Temporary Tattoos

If you’ve ever wanted to try out a tattoo without the long-term commitment, temporary tattoos are the answer. Temporary tattoos are easy to apply and last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on how well you take care of them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of temporary tattoos and how to properly apply one. 

How Do Temporary Tattoos Work? 

Temporary tattoos are made with organic ingredients and make you feel just like real tattoos. They come in all shapes, sizes, and designs including animal prints, cartoon characters, flowers, and more. 

Applying a Temporary Tattoo 

Applying a temporary tattoo is easy! Follow these steps: 

1. Clean the skin with a baby wipes (if provided) before applying the tattoo. This helps you to remove dirt, oil, sweat, lotion etc from your skin so that your tattoo can adhere better.

2. Once your skin is clean, let it dry completely before applying the tattoo design. This usually takes 5-10 minutes but may vary depending on how wet your skin was when you wiped it down with the cleaning wipe/baby wipe or if you used lotion prior to applying the tattoo.

3. Carefully peel off the thin sheet covering your tattoo design and stick it onto clean dry skin (avoid any cuts/irritations). If needed use tape/rubber bands etc to help keep it in place while you press down on it for 5-10 minutes using a damp cloth or foam pad provided in some kits (if not provided use a damp paper towel instead). Take extra caution when pressing down near sensitive areas like eyes/mouth etc as these areas can be easily irritated by over pressing due to their delicate nature! 

4. Remove any excess adhesive residue from around your design using either water or rubbing alcohol then let it dry completely before adding any clothing/accessories over top of it as this could cause smudging/fading of your design sooner than expected!  

5. Enjoy! Your temporary tattoo should last anywhere from 12-14 days depending on how well you take care of it – avoid scrubbing at it too hard when showering or swimming etc as this can cause premature fading & removal much earlier than expected!  

6. General sweating, and even slightly heavier perspiration shouldn’t be too much of a problem while your tattoo darkens up, but in case of heavy sweating, cover up that area with clothes at least for a day.

Temporary tattoos are a great way to experiment with body art without having to make any long-term commitments or spend hundreds of dollars at a professional shop for something permanent When applied correctly they can last up to 14 days making them perfect for special events like festivals & parties where people want something fun & memorable without having anything permanent attached forever! Just remember – always read all instructions carefully before applying any kind of temporary body art as improper application may result in irritation &/or infection if done incorrectly! Happy experimenting!